Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Trying my hand at mesh dresses

I have decided to try my hand at mesh dresses. I have released eight dresses in two sets of four.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Time to enjoy some time in BED!

I have been told sex sells. I have just released two bedroom sets. They have both male/female and female/female cuddles and sex animations. There are 130 total animations or 65 couples depending on how you look at it. Below are just two examples of the bedroom sets available.

Monday, October 22, 2012

 I am still building, building, and building more. Here are a few examples of my latest chair. I am still working on getting a bedroom set completed so stay tuned.

Come take a look at Freya's Ironworks 
The Store on the SL Market Place

Monday, October 15, 2012

Crazy for Lamps, Lamps and More Lamps

I went a little crazy making lamps. It was a bit like potato chips... once I got one finished I just could not stop. So as a result, there are 9 new sets of lamps and 1 set of candle holders w/ candles.


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Freya's Ironworks - Getting started

Freya's Ironworks is now open

There is always a beginning, practice until you get it right and don't give up. Five years ago I toyed with building and got frustrated, then I moved to making clothing - still not my thing, then I moved on to tattoo's - not bad but still did not feel it. I began building again and finally have started to settle into my grove. I have been building furniture with poses and animations. I could not have done it without my friends - Stacia and Shayna. They encourage, support and critique my work but mainly encourage and support.

I have finally put together a collection of products to enhance individual living spaces. In my store you will find sofa sets, chairs, tables and lamps. Beds and other fun stuff is planned for the future. 

When you go to my store look at the most recent items listed - there you will find these and many other furniture items to choose from.

Happy Shopping!